๐ŸŽฎSetting up your game

Provide your custom event link to learners

Youโ€™ll need a custom KC7 Scoreboard link for your participants to use during your event. Donโ€™t worry, weโ€™ll handle creating that for you. All you need to do is submit the event registration form: https://kc7cyber.com/request-a-game (you will need to register an account first).

Within 24-48 hours days, youโ€™ll receive an email with instructions on how to log in to your KC7 Scoreboard instance. The email will include an event code, as well as credentials for your event admin account.

You will receive a custom event link from us in the following format: https://kc7cyber.com/go/MYEVENTCODE

This is the link that you will provide to all of your learners. By clicking on this link, learners will be able to join the custom KC7 Scoreboard instance that weโ€™ve created for you, and compete against each other.

Last updated

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